versione 0.5.3 * renamed method Document.getFileName() to Document.getDbName() - method Document.merge(:String, :Color) (now the color management is all inside che ColorMgr class) + changed the logic on the file/directory check (now it is inside the 'merge' and 'exportToPNG' methods) + methods 'merge()', 'exportToPNG()', 'merge(File)' and 'exportToPNG(File)' * -o option can now specify a folder * method Util.skip is now deprecated versione 0.5.2 ! -o option + targerFolder parameter + static method Document.getDocument(:String) to create a Document * method Document.getDefaultName() is now public * centralized output file check versione 0.5.1 ! fixed documentation + warning in case of unkown action versione 0.5 * changed project name in "iRex DR1000 Manager" * use of andyLib v0.8: + use of the config class * help e header as file in the jar * changed the option for input file from -f to -i + warning if the input file dows not exist * moved ColorMgr class * changed color management * now the jar is more like a library * class ScribbleMgr is now public + method to extract the strokes and points list + methods Point.getX e Point.getY to get the coordinates + action "png" to create a series of PNG files from the scribbles * better documentation versione 0.4.1 strokes' color: + system option for default color + color codes can be written with optional leading '#' + option '-h' for a brief help ! PDF merge: advice if input and output file are the same * default PDF-merged file name has the "__NOTED" suffix * used script andyProject-0.5 versione 0.4 * better performance: now uses a 'ByteArrayInputStream' to threat the blob ! fized bug: now if the '' is not found, write no exception + update documentation: to create a PDF from a note file, it creates an empty temp PDF file * better logs + in the list file, shows the number of scribbled pages + method[]) to parse the blob and create the 'Page' object + color of the stroke can be chosen with the '-C' option - removed javadoc task (and javadoc-full renamed to javadoc) versione 0.3 * big changes to the structure of the program + merge of notes + if the PDF file is not found in the database, let the user choose one + option "-c path_to_properties_file" versione 0.2 * better performance (blobs are loaded one at time) ! deleted original file extension in output file * class ScribbleMgr: * has a database File + method hasScribble(fileName:String):boolean + method getScribbledPages(fileName:String):List + method getBlobScribbles(fileName:String, page:int):List + added command line option (-f, -o and -a) + used andyLogger for logging versione 0.1 + first version